Mini-Art Adventures


In-Person | 45 min. or 1 hour (Best: Art and Music combination class!) |  Meets once a week | Ages: 18 mos-2’s | 2-3’s  (Siblings welcome on days off, reserve in advance.)

Interested in New Fun Art Techniques and Exciting Projects to Inspire your child?

2024 Spring Semester ends May 30th. 

Fall 2024-2025 Class Schedule: 

  • Begins the week of 9/16/2024. Ends the week of 1/21/2025. 
  • 1 week break for Thanksgiving 11/25/2024-11/29/2024
  • 2 week Winter Break 12/23/2024-1/3/2025


2024 Spring Semester ends May 30th. 

Fall 2024-2025 Class Schedule: 

  • Begins the week of 9/16/2024. Ends the week of 1/21/2025. 
  • 1 week break for Thanksgiving 11/25/2024-11/29/2024
  • 2 week Winter Break 12/23/2024-1/3/2025

Tuesdays:  9/17, 9/24   10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29   11/5, 11/12, 11/19, (Thanksgiving Break 11/26)   12/3, 12/10, 12/17, (Winter Break: 12/24, 12/31)   1/7, 1/14, 1/21 

Wednesdays:  9/18, 9/25,  10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30   11/6, 11/13, 11/20, (Thanksgiving Break 11/27)   12/4, 12/11, 12/18, (Winter Break 12/25, 1/1), 1/8, 1/10, 1/17

Thursdays:  9/19, 9/26   10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31   11/7, 11/14, 11/21, (Thanksgiving Break 11/28)   12/5, 12/12, 12/19, (Winter Break 12/26, 1/2), 1/9, 1/16, 1/23

Fridays: 9/20, 9/27   10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25   11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, (Thanksgiving Break 11/29)   12/6, 12/13, 12/20, (Winter Break 12/27, 1/3)  1/10, 1/17, 1/24

(Make up week for Rosh Hashana/ School Schedule differences or Illness only:  January 28-31, 2025)

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays | 10:30 AM –  11:30 AM

Wednesdays | 3 PM – 3:45 PM (18 months – 2 years)

Wednesdays | 4 PM – 5 PM (2’s – early 3’s)

1-Off class options also available | Great for Trial classes (Must register in advance.)

Reserve your Preferred Class Times with 3 students’ registrations | Max. 2 children with 6 Adults. Or  Max 10 children w. drop-off/ separation.  (2-3 teachers attend each class.)

Locations: All Souls Church (80/Lex. with outdoor courtyards) / LIC / Private / Location Near You


We know there are a lot of activities for your children and are excited to make Art Adventures, an early enrichment league, on the top of your list.

Curriculum is responsive to the developmental needs of each age group, carefully tailored and ever changing to suit the children’s interests. Instead of pushing children through activities, they are given ample opportunity to be active collaborators in the design of their class.

Using a wide range of interesting and unusual art materials such as clay, wire, eyedroppers, diverse painting tools and techniques (to name a few) children explore, identify and reinforce language, colors, shapes, numbers and textures while practicing motor & social skills with age-appropriate art language in this fun & loving environment. Each class begins with our unique “Dry art mural” to learn vocabulary, turn-taking and sharing. Through all of our activities, our goal is to promote confidence through choice-making as well as the freedom of self-expression while applauding and encouraging each stage of development.

See Event Details tab (left side) for more information on Art and French, plus child development goals.

  • Adult Attendance required.
  • Drop-off is only available for children who use the bathroom.
  • We specialize in separation!
  • Pick-up or drop-off available for All Souls School (for extended day)
  • Class size is limited to 12 participants (6 children and 6 adults)
  • Contact Us for more class days/times.
  • Form a class!  Ask to receive an invitation letter to share with your class or group. (3 students minimum.)


In addition to the above, we combine art with MUSIC ADVENTURES with a professional guitarist & artist to round out this exciting full-on arts experience!  (Choose 1 Hour in the dropdown)

We invite your children to join us for engaging art, exploration, languages, science & fun…designed for all ages and skills to excel in their creative thinking, problem-solving, verbal, motor & technical skills, in order to leave feeling excite and proud.

New to Art Adventures?  CCA programs offer myriad art material exploration, artistic development, art & French language exploration (& Spanish), have a 2:1-3:1 teacher-student ratio, combining a passion for artmaking with artists, museums, Modern, Multicultural and Contemporary art and current exhibits.

Thank you for supporting this small business (for over 20 years) and for entrusting us with your children!

Event Details

  • Child Development
  • Self-directed opportunities
  • French & Spanish practice
  • Storytelling & Music
  • Multicultural, Modern and Museum-inspired projects!


Even Mini-Art Adventures include simple French vocabulary and common phrases. Children gain exposure to the French language, accent and utilize basic French pertaining to art, while not even aware they are doing so!   Greetings, colors, numbers, shapes, tools and colloquial phrases are included.  We share Spanish and other languages as well!

For Art, Lunch, (*French) and Conversation class, See Rendezvous!

Contact Us for additional days, times, locations or private groups.