Professional tools, materials, techniques and new skills awaits… UPCOMING THEMES: Architecture! (learning the in’s and out’s of 1-point and 2-point perspective plus more!) Portraits! (building a face in simple steps)
Tag: drawing
A great way to collaborate and continue learning how to take turns while sharing our ideas and art: Virtual Art shows. Stay connected with your loved ones by creating art and sharing. Some at home art activities to download & print! Happy Art-making! Stay healthy in body & mind. ❤️
November means Museum Art Adventures!

For our first museum tour this new school year, we traveled to the Guggenheim Museum of Art! Our Art Adventurers viewed the Guggenheim’s Artistic License & Basquiat exhibitions exploring lines, shapes and symbols, oh my! It was all about abstract modern and contemporary art reviewing our forms & sculptures with Giacometti; geometric shapes, lines …
Outdoor Art Adventures to take this SUMMER

We can’t get enough of this Summer Sunshine! That just means time for more en plein air art. But where to start? 1. Choose your medium. Pencil? Pastels? Watercolor? 2. Pick your favorite outdoor spot (don’t forget water & sunscreen!). 3. And CREATE SOME ART Want some more drawing or painting pointers? Try to spot …
Chalk Pastels may seem intimidating, but fear not! Just stick to your values & everything will work out just fine. Watch our process in learning chalk pastel drawing techniques! AND check out more Art Adventure class project photos HERE
We’re taking our Art Adventure, Studio, and Mini’s classes to the Met this week! Its all about exploring all the different art movements, forms, processes and cultures that the museum has to offer while creating fun and exciting art projects ….in front of famous ART! This adventure brings us to a few spots @ The …
Last week was all about Cave Art! This two day project included creating stamps from model magic and drawing with new materials. Exploring lines and shapes and even tracing our hands with craypas and pastels. Our Mini Adventurers finished the day “painting” cave art animals with natural elements: